Quale crema viso usare in estate - Heden Care

Which face cream to use in summer

Summer is the season of sun, sea and holidays, but also of intense heat that puts our skin to the test. Exposure to UV rays, pollution and temperature changes can cause dryness, irritation, stains and, in the most serious cases, premature aging. For this reason, it is essential to choose a face cream suited to the skin's needs during the warmer months.

Why is face cream important in summer?

The summer face cream performs several essential functions:

  • Sun protection: Sun protection factor (SPF) is essential to prevent sunburn, sunburn and long-term skin damage.
  • Hydration: Heat and humidity can dehydrate the skin, making it more sensitive and prone to irritation.
  • Antioxidation: The antioxidants contained in face creams protect the skin from free radicals, responsible for skin aging.
  • Soothing: Some face creams contain soothing and anti-redness ingredients, ideal for sensitive skin or skin prone to allergic reactions.

How to choose the right face cream?

The choice of summer face cream depends on several factors:

  • Skin type: Each of us has a different skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive) that requires specific products.
  • Sun Exposure: If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you will need higher sun protection.
  • Activities: If you do sports or outdoor activities, choose a face cream that is resistant to water and sweat.

Heden products: the natural solution for your skin

Heden, present on www.hedencare.com , offers a wide range of natural skin care products, ideal for summer. Heden face creams are formulated with fine and organic ingredients, such as argan oil, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid, which deeply nourish, hydrate and protect the skin.

In summer we at Heden recommend the Illuminating Vitamin C serum to complete the nourishment of facial skin

How to choose the products?

Face cream is a precious ally for protecting and hydrating the skin during the summer. By choosing the right products, you will be able to show off a healthy and luminous complexion even under the sun.

Extra tips:

  • Apply face cream at least 20 minutes before exposing yourself to the sun.
  • Renew the application every 2 hours, especially after swimming or sweating.
  • Also use other sun products, such as sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside.
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